Thursday, December 26, 2019

President Theodore Roosevelt Fast Facts

Theodore Roosevelt (1858–1919) served as Americas 26th  president. Nicknamed the Trust Buster for fighting corruption in the industry, and more affectionately known as  Teddy, Roosevelt was a larger-than-life personality. He is remembered not only as a statesman but also as an author, soldier, naturalist, and reformer.  Roosevelt was Vice President of William McKinley  and became President after McKinley was assassinated in 1901. Fast Facts Birth: October 27, 1858 Death: January 6, 1919 Term of Office: September 14, 1901–March 3, 1909 Number of Terms Elected: 1 term First Lady: Edith Kermit Carow Theodore Roosevelt Quote The first requisite of a good citizen in this Republic of ours is that he shall be able and willing to pull his weight. Major Events While In Office Panama Canal Rights Acquired (1904): The U.S. earned the right to occupy the Canal Zone in Panama, leading the way to the construction of the Panama Canal, which it would control until 1979.  Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine (1904-1905): The Monroe Doctrine declared that foreign encroachment into the Western Hemisphere would not be tolerated. As President, Roosevelt added that the U.S. was responsible for enforcing the Monroe Doctrine  in Latin America, with force if necessary.Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905): Japans campaign to claim Port Arthur on the coast of Manchuria from the Russians began a brief but devastating war. The heavy artillery and battle methods used foreshadowed the conditions of modern warfare that would come of age in World War I.  Nobel Peace Prize (1906): Roosevelt was one of a handful of presidents to win the Nobel Peace Prize. This award honored his efforts to resolve the Russo-Japanese War and his work for international arbitration.  Ã‚  San F rancisco Earthquake (1906): San Fransiscos massive earthquake destroyed almost 30,000 buildings and left many of the citizens homeless.   States Entering Union While in Office Oklahoma (1907) Related Theodore Roosevelt Resources These additional resources on Theodore Roosevelt can provide you with further information about the president and his times. Theodore Roosevelt Biography: An in-depth look at the 26th  president of the United States, including his childhood, family and early career, and the major events of his administration.Progressive Era: The Gilded Age, a term coined by Mark Twain, referred to the overt opulence exhibited by the wealthy in the industrial era. The Progressive Era was partly a response to the disparity between rich and poor. Individuals at this time were campaigning for economic, political, and social reform.Top 10 Influential Presidents: Theodore Roosevelt is considered one of the most influential presidents in American History.Bull Moose Party: When Theodore Roosevelt was not nominated by the Republican Party to run for president again in 1912, he broke away and created a new party which was nicknamed the Bull Moose Party. Other Presidential Fast Facts William McKinley: McKinley was assassinated shortly after winning re-election and beginning the second term of his presidency. During his time in office, American officially established itself as a world colonial power.  William Howard Taft: The president who succeeded Roosevelt may be best known for his policies of Dollar Diplomacy, aimed at promoting security and influence abroad in the interest of American commercial ventures.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Borderline Personality Disorder Psychology - 2038 Words

Borderline Personality Disorder Deidra Stewart November 18, 2014 Abnormal Psychology Chad Latta Borderline Personality Disorder is a disorder in the cluster of dramatic personality disorder. People with a dramatic personality are extremely emotional, erratic and are dramatic which makes it almost impossible for them to have relationships that are healthy (Comer, 2013). Not only do dramatic personality disorders cause problems for the person with the disorder but also anyone they are involved with. BPD is one of the most studied disorders and cause many more problems than any other disorder in the dramatic cluster. Diagnosing Borderline Personality Disorder Borderline Personality Disorder is characterized by intense, rapidly fluctuating moods combined with impulsivity and instability in interpersonal relationships (Biskin Paris, 2012) (Comer, 2013). People with BPD experience extreme intense emotions and self-destructive behaviors (Roney Cannon, 2011). These behaviors can cause trouble in their own lives. Individuals with BPD can have a variety of symptoms that can cause problems in their day to day life. These symptoms occur in four domains. The four domains are affectivity, interpersonal functioning, impulse control and cognitive (Biskin, 2012). Each of these symptoms are needed for diagnosing a person with Borderline Personality Disorder. A therapist will use the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders to distinguish which criteria aShow MoreRelatedPsychology : Borderline Personality Disorder1323 Words   |  6 PagesRunning head: Borderline Personality Disorder The Study of Borderline Personality Disorder Olivia Wright Blue Ridge Community College Abstract Borderline personality disorder (BPD) falls into cluster b category which is characterized as dramatic, emotional, or erratic disorders. People with borderline personality disorder are characterized by their volatile and unstable relationships; they tend to have persistent problems in early adulthood, with frequent hospitalization, unstable personalRead MoreClinical Aspects Of Psychology : Borderline Personality Disorder2228 Words   |  9 PagesClinical Aspects of Psychology APP3037 Assessment 2: Critical Review Topic 4: Borderline Personality Disorder Tutor: Vidanka Vasilevski Matthew Lemon Student No. 3926094 Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a severe Axis 2 mental illness distinguished by a common pattern of mental impulsivity, interpersonal dysfunction, disrupted self-image, and self-harming behaviours (Chanen Kaess, 2012; Leichsenring, Leibing, Kruse, New Leweke, 2011). Between 0.7% and 2.7% of the populationRead MoreBorderline Personality Disorder : Psychological Disorder1333 Words   |  6 Pages Borderline Personality Disorder Kelsea P Porter Psychology Mrs. Kline 22 November 2015 Borderline Personality Disorder When instructed to write a 3-5 page paper over a psychological disorder I wondered to myself what disorder could I do to interest me enough to take so much time to look into. What one disorder would I have to force myself to research and write about that would not be completely painful? This is when I decided to write my paper over the Borderline Personality Disorder, the disorderRead MoreBorderline Personality Disorder ( Borderline )1749 Words   |  7 Pages Borderline Personality Disorder Could you picture yourself being brought face to face with an individual who has a personality similar to a mine field? In other words where or when he/she will explode is never known. This type of personality disorder is called borderline personality disorder. Borderline Personality Disorder is one of the most scariest and hidden disorders that have baffled our society as well as many health professionals for many years. The DSM IV defines borderline personalityRead MoreBorderline Personality Disorder ( Borderline )872 Words   |  4 PagesBorderline Personality Disorder is a mental disorder characterized by instability in mood, impulsiveness, unstable relationships, and chronic emptiness. Borderline Personality Disorder affects approximately two percent of the population, and is predominately found in women. This disorder makes it difficult for people to understand social norms and the dynamics of relationships, so unpredictable and erratic behavior are common. Although Borderline Personality Disorder is incurable, it is treatableRead MoreBorderline Personality Disorder ( Borderline )1361 Words   |  6 Pages Borderline Personality Disorder is named borderline personality disorder because at one point in history they considered this disorder to be on the â€Å"borderline† between neurosis and psychosis. Borderline personality disorder is a severe mental disorder that impacts an individual’s behavior, relationships, and mood. The disorder usually begins during adolescence or young adulthood. People with BPD have a tendency of rapid change in attitude or feelings toward others because they cannot regulateRead MoreBorderline Personality Disorder: A Literature Review Essay1589 Words   |  7 Pages The history of BPD can be traced back to 1938 when Adolph Stern first described the symptoms of the disorder as neither being psychotic nor psychoneurotic; hence, the term ‘borderline’ was introduced (National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health, 2009, p. 15). Then in 1960, Otto Kernberg coined the term ‘borderline personality organization’ to describe persistent patterns of behavior and functioning consisting of instability, and distressed psychological self-organization (National CollaboratingRead MorePsychology Is The Study Of Human Behavior1447 Words   |  6 PagesPsychology is the study of human behavior. It is a field that focuses on the human mind, which is a varied landscape of thought and thought processes. When considering the process of studying the field of psychology as a whole there are a great number of avenues to explore the mind. There are different types of psychology, both normal and abnormal as the overarching distinctions. Ther e are also many disorders associated with abnormal behavior psychology such as schizophrenia, anxiety disordersRead MoreApplication of Clinical Pychology1243 Words   |  5 PagesClinical Psychology Clinical psychologist are often treating people with mental illness and patients who suffer from severe psychiatric disorders. Clinical psychologist are involved with helping people with abnormal behavior and who may be suffering from psychological distress. Patients are often individualized by psychological, biological and social factors of their case. Clinical psychologist work very close with their patients to help assess and diagnose which psychological disorder they areRead MoreBorderline Personality Disorder ( Bipolar Disorder )1653 Words   |  7 PagesIV four types of psychopathology describe Borderline Personality Disorder: affective disturbance, impulsivity, cognitive problems, and intense unstable relationships. Before diagnosis, Doctors must establish that patterns of affective instability, impulsivity, and unstable relationships have been consistent over time. Therefore, obtaining the patient’s detailed history is crucial. Many of the same features can be found in patients with Bipolar Disorder. Dysphorias, hyperactivity, impulsivity, and

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

D1 evaluate interpersonal and written communication techniques free essay sample

In cabling you have a coaxial cable, optical cable and a twisted pair cable. Coaxial cable is mostly used on computers out of the three. Coaxial was used in the 1980’s and early 90’s, however they started using it again with broad band and also is used for connecting a dish from a TV to the roof. The data transfer rate of the coaxial cable is 100 Mbps (Megabits per second). Coaxial and twisted pair uses copper cables to transfer their data however Fibre optic cable uses light to transmit the data. Therefore optic cabling is much faster in speed and distance. Also optical cabling has massive bandwidths e. g. A hundred people can use the phone off one optical cable. Optical cabling can be used for telephone wires and broadband. Optical cabling transfer speed is 10 GB/s (gigabytes per second). At this speed you could transfer a Blu-ray movie less than 30 seconds. We will write a custom essay sample on D1 evaluate interpersonal and written communication techniques or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There are two types of twisted pair cables. One is UTP (Unshielded twisted pair) and STP (Shielded twisted pair). UTP and STP were invented in the 1980’s because of the change of phone technology. These days’ people still use these cables because they are cheaper than optical and coaxial cables. UTP contains eight cables and they come in coloured pairs. Backing storage: The memory with a computer system as a standard is relatively small and most of this is lost when the computer is powered off. To prevent this there are more permanent store for data this may include software, a secondary storage device or a backing store may be needed, you can also use the cloud to back up your data online. For a portable store for your data offline storage device are needed. †¢CD-ROMS †¢DVDS †¢Memory sticks †¢Floppy disks There are a lot of ways of backing store now that is on the market for a PC user, magnetic and optical and pen drive and flash memory cards. Magnetic storage uses different patterns of magnetisation on a magnetically coated surface to store information in a non-volatile form. This data back be accessed using one or more read/write heads. Magnetic disks can also be available in external hard drives or internal hard drivers. External can be used for offline storage internal can be used for online storage. Optical devices have tiny pits etched on the surface of a disk to store data in a non-volatile form this can be accessed by a using a CD drive using a laser diode and observing the reflection.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Karl Marx Essays - Philosophy, Politics, Culture, Materialists

Karl Marx 1818-83, German social philosopher and revolutionary; with Friedrich Engels, a founder of modern Socialism and Communism. The son of a lawyer, he studied law and philosophy; he rejected the idealism of G.W.F. Hegel but was influenced by Ludwig Feuerbach and Moses Hess. His editorship (1842-43) of the Rheinische Zeitung ended when the paper was suppressed. In 1844 he met Engels in Paris, beginning a lifelong collaboration. With Engels he wrote the Communist Manifesto (1848) and other works that broke with the tradition of appealing to natural rights to justify social reform, invoking instead the laws of history leading inevitably to the triumph of the working class. Exiled from Europe after the Revolutions Of 1848, Marx lived in London, earning some money as a correspondent for the New York Tribune but dependent on Engels's financial help while working on his monumental work Das Kapital (3 vol., 1867-94), in which he used Dialectical Materialism to analyze economic and social history; Engels edited vol. 2 and 3 after Marx's death. With Engels, Marx helped found (1864) the International Workingmen's Association, but his disputes with the anarchist Mikhail Bakunin eventually led to its breakup. Marxism has greatly influenced the development of socialist thought; further, many scholars have considered Marx a great economic theoretician and the founder of economic history and sociology. Bibliography: